• Rich Virsa

    We Teach | We Entertain | We Enjoy

    At present, the online Indian dance classes have become a favourite of many, all thanks to the...
    We all know that the Bhangra dance originates from Punjab, India. This is one such dance form...
    February 14, 2022 · Bhangra DanceAcademy,Bhangra Dance Class,Bhangra Dance School
    Even though the Bhangra dance originates in the Punjab region in India, it is delightfully taught...
  • About

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    If you want to learn Punjabi Bhangra dance or Bollywood dance, look no further than Rich Virsa Bhangra and Dance Academy as we have some of the best dance teachers and choreographers who will be teaching you these Indian dance styles.


    Our dance teachers have many years of experience in teaching Punjabi Bhangra as well as other Indian styles. Moreover, they teach these dance styles on a step by step basis.